Why We Must #ActOnIICSA Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) @IICSAVSCP
In this short film, I speak about:
*Growing up in 3 domestic violence households.
*Experiencing all forms of abuse & neglect.
*Speaking up and not being believed.
*Being Let Down By….institutions that should have protected me as a child.
*I speak about the long-term impact on everyday life, on mental health, and physical health.
*I speak about my work at IICSA and why implementing the recommendations is important.
*I speak about my health and wellbeing and how I help victims and survivors in their recovery through SoB.
What I did not cover due to time and money constraints is:
**Being abused outside the family home and the forensic examination I underwent at the age of 9.
**Going through the criminal justice system from 2016 to 2022 and sharing all the failures to improve things for all victims and survivors to Commissioners & Police Forces.
**The fight with different governments and officials to get the IICSA recommendations spoken about in the public domain and to act on their implementation.
I am part of two groups of dedicated people who are working tirelessly to get these recommendations implemented. #ActOnIICSA and #IICSAChangemakers.
Pls feel free to share far and wide.
If you want to join us in our work pls get in touch.
Filmed & Edited by Josh Westover