Our C.L.E.A.N.E.R™ Programme
Our clients often struggle with low self esteem, they often don’t like themselves, they hold a poor image of themselves often finding comfort and solace in food, alcohol or drugs. They are angry, frustrated, find it hard to trust or hold down a long lasting relationship.
They are stuck in a rut, may feel abandoned, unloved, and unclean, unworthy and have had enough of being unappreciated and treated like a doormat.
We know that our clients want to be loved, they want to trust, they want to belong, they want some peace and they just want to be happy. But they do not know how to change; they are overwhelmed with life.
Low self esteem – do you speak up for yourself? Do you put yourself first? Or do you remain quiet and passive in order to have an easy life or you feel like your opinion doesn’t count.
Poor body image – do you cover yourself up in baggy clothes? Are you happy with your appearance?
Do you love yourself? Do you like yourself? Do you love your life? Do you like your life? Do you find it hard to love or show your love to your partner? Your children?
Do you emotionally eat? Drink alcohol? Or take drugs? to make yourself feel better, hoping that all your troubles will just melt away?
Trust issues – do you find it hard to trust? Do you build brick walls around you and keep people at arm’s length so that you don’t get hurt again.
Relationship issues – are you able to hold down loving and fulfilling relationships? Or do your issues and insecurities come between you and your partner(s)?
Anger and frustration? – do you feel like the world is against you? Nothing in your life is going right? Or when something good happens is it followed by something bad? Do you get angry at the smallest things?
Hang ups around sex? Do you enjoy sex or find it a complete turn off?
If you have been abused – physically, emotionally and or sexually you are probably suffering from many of the things listed above.
How SOB can help you
Chris has collaborated with other specialist support services professionals to develop a suite of workshops under the ‘breaking the cycle’™ umbrella which will help you identify where you are now, identify who you want to be, identify where you want to go with your life, identify what is holding you back and will show you how to get there. The programme is unique; in the fact it is holistic in nature and uses an integrated mindset, nutrition, fitness and stress management approach to achieve this.